What Temperature Should Your Swimming Pool Water Be?

 What Temperature Should Your Swimming Pool Water Be?


Business What Temperature Should Your Swimming Pool Water Be? In common with many owners of swimming pools, you may feel content with simply heating your pool water to 28 °C and leaving it at that. However, depending on what exactly you plan to do in the pool, you could benefit from tweaking the temperature for a better experience and even financial savings. Some Like It Hot The temperature at which you should maintain your pool is largely your decision. Indeed, Different Swimming Pools can be kept at different temperatures. Many hotels, for example, will choose about30 °C for the temperature of their pools.This is because such establishments wish their guests to enjoy the use of their pools for what are likely to be casual purposes, such as soaking up the water and swimming a few leisurely laps.

 Competitive swimming, however, can be better done in a somewhat cooler pool. The Competition Can Heat Up... But Not The Pool Pools intended for competitive swimming tend to have temperatures kept at approximately 25.5 °C. Compared to the aforementioned typical hotel pool temperature, this cooler temperature can help swimmers to breathe more easily and deeply and their hearts to beat more quickly. If, however, you plan to swim numerous laps while keeping your pace steady, you could still enjoy these benefits along with enhanced comfort if you move the temperature up one more degree to about 26.5 °C. This is also still lower than the standard pool temperature and can therefore save you money. 

The Financial Appeal Of A Cooler Pool Putting chlorine in your pool can be vital for keeping it free from algae and bacteria. However, if your pool water is relatively warm, various forms of bacteria mayeasily grow in it. Free chlorine - the type of chlorine of the total used that is available for the task of disinfecting - is used up more quickly when there is a lot of bacteria in your pool. This means that a warmer pool typically requires more chlorine and as a result, more financial expenditure on your part. 

Whatever temperature you prefer for your own pool, a thermometer from our extensive stock will enable you to measure it. Indeed, with a complete range of Swimming Pool Cleaning Equipment available from our online store here at Pool Warehouse right now, we can supply you with every item that you need for the most fulfilling use and maintenance of your pool.


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